October 06

Management & Personnel: Owner-Operator Business Plan

The management and personnel section or your business plan may not be required if you are the sole owner and operator of every aspect of your business. If you have multiple employees, this section should outline your entire organizational structure and what their responsibilities are. If managing people and doing paperwork is not your strong suit, you might consider hiring management or other personnel to help you run your business.

What Should I Include In My Management and Personnel Section?

  • Your approach to hiring employees.
  • What does your hiring process look like?
  • Do you have positions that you need to fill?
  • If you are a fleet owner or want to expand your fleet, how will you recruit drivers?
  • Discuss how you plan to add people in management roles as your needs grow.

How Do I Write One?

  • Owner-operators and carriers must follow the compliance standards of the shippers and brokers they work with. Make sure you conduct research and hire a company like ATBS. They’ll point you in the right direction.
  • Make sure you get ahead of this and understand basic industry standards, regulatory compliance, and safety records before taking on additional carriers.
  • This section can be ever-changing as your business grows. When you first start you may not need any employess, but thing ahead. Will you need more employees?

If you are non-compliant when you make hires, you could be putting your entire business at risk. Hiring qualified drivers will go a long way. They will be key in helping your business grow and expand., therefore you should also have a plan for retaining them since the market is highly competitive and good drivers are in high demand.

SOURCE: Truckstop